Month of 1/1/2013 to 1/31/2013: Top 10 of 51 Operating Systems

Sorted by Access Count

Rank Product Accesses % Bytes % Visits %
1 Windows NT 4,950 31.88 7,006,146,626 58.47 4,073 48.06
2 - 3,887 25.04 2,983,763,053 24.90 0 0.00
3 + 1,702 10.96 250,917,376 2.09 1,702 20.08
4 1,391 8.96 590,834 0.00 842 9.94
5 + 1,317 8.48 326,156,503 2.72 632 7.46
6 + 703 4.53 43,237,919 0.36 521 6.15
7 344 2.22 19,330,166 0.16 33 0.39
8 + 250 1.61 24,513,074 0.20 224 2.64
9 232 1.49 390,108,775 3.26 5 0.06
10 X Window System (Unix) 195 1.26 250,789,788 2.09 130 1.53