Month of 2/1/2017 to 2/28/2017

Important Totals

All Files Served 427,836 2,496,231,244 10,495 View Chart
Unique Visitors (IP Address Method) 1,410 View Chart
Home Page Views 401,552 18,112,512 2,146 View Chart

Executive Summary

The web site received 10,495 visits. A typical visitor examined 2.85 documents before leaving the site. A typical visit lasted for 0.61 minutes. The longest visit lasted for 416 minutes.

Visitors came from 1,410 distinct Internet addresses.

The web server delivered 5,865 unique documents one or more times each.

The web server was visited by 0 distinct authorized users. Authorized users are required to log into the web server with a specific name and password.

1 distinct Internet web sites were accessed via the proxy server.

There were 2,435 requests for documents which did not exist on the web server. The web server was linked to by 452 distinct pages on other web servers.

The web server was linked to by one or more pages found on 421 distinct web sites.

1 distinct search keywords were used to locate documents on the web server via Internet search servers, such as Altavista(tm) and Yahoo(tm).

1 distinct Internet search servers were used to reach the site.

Visitors used 62 distinct web browsers and other web access programs to reach the web server. Visitors used 36 distinct operating systems on their computers. Visitors followed a total of 257 distinct, non-trivial "trails" among the documents found on the web server.

Produced by Wusage 7.1