Month of 5/1/2022 to 5/31/2022: Top 10 of 36 Operating Systems

Sorted by Access Count

Rank Product Accesses % Bytes % Visits %
1 + 8,408 29.77 99,690,149 8.48 5,767 48.92
2 + 5,091 18.03 37,676,404 3.21 3 0.03
3 Windows NT 4,708 16.67 363,160,352 30.90 162 1.37
4 +; 4,500 15.93 468,223,532 39.84 968 8.21
5 + 4,115 14.57 3,847,531 0.33 4,115 34.91
6 + 373 1.32 342 0.00 3 0.03
7 + 234 0.83 1,301,049 0.11 234 1.99
8 + 209 0.74 61,133,323 5.20 140 1.19
9 Mail.RU_Bot/2.0; + 136 0.48 96,650 0.01 135 1.15
10 + 97 0.34 6,848,123 0.58 10 0.08